10 Things Your 10-Year-Old Should Not Do

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ten is a big age for kids. double digists fell important -like you,re one step closer to maturity . for moms having a kid whos 10 years old is a sweet spot in parenting . you get to enjoy abit of maturiting but ther are still glimpses of your baby that being said you might find  yourself butting heads more often than you used to as your kiddo is pushing boundaries and trying to rush into all the things he or she sees older kids doing.

but hold your ground mom. just because a particular  choice is the norm these days dosent make it a good choice we,ve put together a list of ten things a kid whos 10 years old should not do to help you spot the danger zones for kids of this age range . we realize that all children mature at different and ther may be some exceptions to the rule but this list gives you a place to start in determining if you need to put the brakes on in some areas 

  having unrestricted internet access 
the internet is everywhere the family computer the family tv that tablet on the coffee table and on every smartphone but with all that educational good and convenience come some real risks consider this 
according to a study by the national center for missing and exploited children one infive internet users ages 10-17 
received a sexual solicitation or approach over the internet in agiven year

                                         drinking diet drinks
in the war against childhood obesity some kids and parents have turned to diet sodas to satisfy that craving without the added sugar and calories but its a lousy trade research is emerging which suggests that artificially sweetened beverages are addicting and may actually increase food cravings and contribute to weight gain of even greatter concern is that there has been almost no research on the effects of these sweeteners on the still developing bodies and brains of children
                                     drinking sugary drinks 
at the end of the day whether your kid is 10 years old or 25 the great majority of his or her calories should be eaten not drunk 
                                                       siting for hours one end    
while some sitting time is necessary msstly ay school kids time outside of school should be spent in moderate intensity activities like helping to perpare meals  or household chores or in higher intensity activities like outdoor play or sports 
                          watching pg-13and r rated entertainment
           kids are working hard to develop a sense of self at this  age and will model alot of what they see they are heavily in fluenced by television and movie characters they deem coll movies and television rated for older audiences will feed your child a steady diet of sex violence and drug and alcohol use before they have enough life experience to even put those images in proper context
                                           using social media or texting 
your child wants asocial account and learns a lot from them for bullying or sexual harassment so protect your child and follow him well 
                                             wearing provocative clothing 
if you have boys its never too early to start talking to them about respecting girls and women on matter how they dress
                               playing teen -rated or mature rated video games 
there are so many fun games for kids these days that it shouldnt be hard for your 10 yera old to find something non violent to share with their friends too dont be affraid to bring it up with anothar mom and join forces
                                                going out with a girlfriend or boyfriend 
early is a bad idea  a uiniversity of denver study found that allowing romance into your childs  life at this stage can cause  an unhealthy mix of romance self concept and general confidence
                                              getting less than 9-10 hours of sleep per night
